Having a natural body of water in your property, like a stream, river, or lake, is considered a large boon. Not only does it offer opportunities for recreation but it also provides a wonderful view — a view that you can take to the next level with a bit of shoreline landscaping. Just make sure you’re choosing the right trees and plants for the task. One of the area’s premier landscape and outdoor living contractors, Backyard Reflections, recommends some of them here:

Evergreen Trees
Having deep-rooted evergreen trees around the shoreline not only beautifies the area but also prevents soil erosion, which is a major problem in shoreline properties. Some of your best options include white spruce, eastern white pine, and Canadian hemlock. Keep in mind that some evergreen trees do best in sun, while others thrive more in partial or full shade.
Upland Plants
It’s generally recommended to use native plants for shoreline landscaping. This way, you’re sure the foliage will take root and grow sturdy. A healthy mix of upland plants should do the trick, providing the shoreline with depth, texture, and pops of colors. You should go for prairie smoke, butterfly weed, and sensitive fern, which can grow from six inches to up to one and a half feet tall. If you want something a bit taller, choose purple and yellow coneflowers, black-eyed Susans and hoary vervain. You can learn more about native plant species by consulting a trusted landscape services expert like Backyard Reflections.
Transitional and Emergent Plants
Dotting the area around the shoreline with trees and plants is an excellent choice. But you also have the option to grow a few plants along the edge of the water or in the water itself. Transitional plants, such as blue flag iris, fox sedge, and swamp milkweed, thrive on the edge of the water. Meanwhile, emergent plants like soft-stem or three-square bulrush and arrowhead can be grown in the water.
Incomparable Landscaping Services in Wright County
Backyard Reflections is not just your go-to company for lighting design landscape services; we can also take care of your shoreline landscaping needs. Expect only a safe and worry-free experience when you turn to us for this upgrade. Call us today at (320) 274-6336 or at (218) 454-1065. You may also fill out this contact form to schedule a design consultation. We proudly serve homeowners in and around Annandale and Nisswa, MN.
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