Your landscape is more than just areas of vegetation around your property to make it look good. It serves other functions too, such as dampening outdoor noise and cooling your surroundings. While landscaping usually involves shrubs, flowers and patches of grass, adding trees is also important for several reasons.

Continue reading as lighting design landscape specialist Backyard Reflections discusses three reasons why more trees should be added to your landscape.
1. Trees Help Cool Your Home
With the proper selection of trees, you can actually save more in cooling costs and make your property feel more comfortable, especially during warmer seasons. They can also provide more shade when you’re outdoors and help in blocking sunlight that bears down on your roof and exteriors. As for the species of trees that you should pick, consider big, tall and leafy trees that provide lots of shade. Red maple, sugar maple, red oak and catalpa are good choices. If you want trees that grow fast, honeylocust and river birch are ideal.
2. Trees Provide Fruits
Landscape services providers can also plant fruit-bearing trees around your home. You have to consider your local climate, environment, space and soil quality if you want the fruit-bearing trees to bloom and last on your property. Some of the trees that you might want to consider for the job are the following:
- Fig trees
- Apple trees
- Orange trees
- Lemon trees
- Cherry trees
- Plum trees
- Peach trees
- Pear trees
3. Trees Reduce the Noise Coming From Outside
Trees can also help with noise reduction because their big trunks, wide branches and widely spread leaves can absorb noise. If you live near a busy street or highway, these natural sound barriers can block out annoying noise that may disturb your quiet home. As for the tree species, choose trees that are wide and leafy as they absorb the most noise. Plant them near each other to improve noise reduction.
For over 20 years, Backyard Reflections has been providing high-quality landscaping and building services to all its clients. As outdoor living contractors and landscape specialists, we dedicate ourselves to making the area around your home more appealing and comfortable. To get started on your landscaping project, fill out our contact form or call us at (320) 274-6336 (Annandale) or (218) 454-1065 (Nisswa).
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